This is the center bed of tulips, with the Nursing school in the background. The tulips were so bright, and perfectly open.
After our trip to the college, a few days later I got the photo session I had been waiting for! I was so excited when one of our friends had a little boy, Jordan. He was born early, and had to spend some time in the hospital until he was strong enough to come home, but he is doing really good now! :) Jordan's parents had asked me a few weeks ago if I would do some photos of Jordan. Of course I said "YES!" immediately! We had been waiting, and waiting, and waiting on the weather to clear up. He is just so small, that we didn't want him to be outside for photos until the weather was nice enough for him. And finally, the weather cleared! Baby Jordan came over with Mommy and Daddy, and we had a super cute photo session. I had bought some props to use just for him, and he did so good. He layed there, peeping out of his eyelids at me every once in a while, and was content with me just moving all around him. He is such a good baby! We don't have any babies around anymore. Everyone we know, mainly family, has kids, but they are all out of the "infant" stage. So this was something I got extremely excited about! Here is a sneak peek from my session with Baby Jordan....
Isn't he just adorable!??! Thank you so much M & A for letting me photograph him! And I can't wait to do it again!!!
Then, we decided, since we were having such nice weather, we would take the kids, and head out of town and let them play. We ended up at Edgar Evins State Park. I, personally, had never been. It is beautiful down there!! We went down to the marina, where they have a small playground for kids to play. Then we headed out to a peninsula we discovered on our way. We let the kids walk along the edge of the water, gathered shells, and just enjoy the day. And many thanks go to B for taking this photo for me. :)
I love when we go on little adventures. The kids always have so much fun, and we all get to spend some "family-time" together. It doesn't matter who got mad at who, who didn't do something, which sibling started the fight.... everytime we go out as a family on our little adventures, everything is calm, and nothing else matters except that we are all together, happy, and healthy. My familymeans the world to me, and I love the looks on their faces when we say "Who wants to go somewhere?!" lol.
And last but not least..... I finally finished an idea that I have had in my head for months! I have been working on a collage of the 4 seasons. It all started back last year when I took a photo of some acorns we had layed out in the shape of a heart in front of an old water fountain. Once I got home, and uploaded the photos from that day, I thought "Wow! I love the way this picture turned out! Maybe I should do all 4 seasons in the same spot, using different objects from each season!??" And an idea was born. And then my thought was:
Spring~ flowers
Summer~ shells
Fall~ acorns and leaves
Winter~ snow!!!
So I had to wait and wait, for the perfect amount of snow to complete my "winter" photo. And yes, I froze my poor fingers off drawing a heart in the snow, and standing there, with camera in hand, taking multiple photos from different angles. By the time I got back to the car, I had a runny nose, bright red cheeks, and frozen fingers. lol. But I got the shot! So winter came and went, and Spring finally arrived! Of course, with Spring, was lots and lots of flowers! I chose Dogwood blooms for my Spring photo. I set up the blooms, and took my photos. But then, I realized... do I really want to wait 3-4 more months for scorching hot weather just to get my Summer shot??? NOPE! I decided to use some of the shells we had gotten from the park a few days earlier, to use in my Summer photo. Sweet! So, there I had it.... my completed "Seasons" collage. Yay!! So, I will leave you, for now, with the collage I worked so long for. :)
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